## Principles Seminar v0 **Session 8 - Transparency** Oskar, 2018-10-16 --- ## V. Transparency > We strive for complete openness and symmetry of information within the organization, and have no border between our core contributors and our community. We are frank about our shortcomings, especially when making short-term tradeoffs in service of our long-term goals. --- ## Wall of shame collective generation - Active participation - Each person say one thing - (If this goes well we'll do it for other principles as well) --- ## Privacy and transparency > Privacy for individuals, transparency for institutions -- Wikileaks --- ## Symmetry of information Heuristic: A person without special privilege should have access to the same information to contribute as core contributors. (also async-consumable, e.g. meeting notes and decision records) --- ## Principal-agent problem ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_cbf9d3d2fd6837f1fffe37d6c7467ec6.png) --- ## No borders - Random Joe journey 1. Discover gaps, efforts and prios 2. Join #cool-team in Status 3. Check home for recent and prios 4. Contribute in chat/discuss/PRs --- ## Transparent about shortcomings - Code of Hammurabi and fronting faults - Marketing proof reading - Have canonical docs with guarantees - -- e.g. darkness so-so very explicit --- ### Short-term trade offs - Minimize, but when we do, document decision properly - Example - [disable group chat](https://github.com/status-im/status-react/blob/develop/doc/decisions/0004-disable-group-chats.md) with context, decision and consequences --- ## Augur inspiration Show: [Augur's Transparency model](https://blog.aragon.org/why-transparency-matters-d6f9e6e10985/) --- ### Thanks ---
{"title":"Principles Seminar - Transparency","tags":"principles"}