# Slack Bridge Bot Setup In order to provide us with the necessary token for bridging a Slack channel you will need to follow these instructions. In addition to the token we will also need the __server name__ and __channel name__. # Steps ## Create a Classic App Using [THIS LINK](https://api.slack.com/apps?new_classic_app=1) create a classic application: :warning:__WARNING:__ Do not use any other link to create the app. ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_d5b3313d99fe1870733f6b9e793d0902.png) ## Add Legacy Bot user You can find this in the `App Home` section: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_afb068f479ed0fab02044a5beb6111f6.png) ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_fa0cdeb04bc23301dc191a89ab374662.png) ## Add Required Scopes :warning:__WARNING:__ Do __NOT__ click the `Update Scopes` button! In order for the bridge to work the bot needs the following scopes: * `channels:write` - Modify your public channels * `chat:write:bot` - Send messages as `<App name>` * `users.profile:read` - Access user's profile and workspace profile fields You can find this in the `OAuth & Permissions` section: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_7212ad34dde3c662b33e3c10752cdc88.png) Source: https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/Slack-bot-setup#issues ## Install The App On The Slack Server Next you need to add the created App to your Server which you can do in the `Install App` section: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_98a64724054899fd9db7d1d34f66efb4.png) Which should bring you to the dialog for confirming installation: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_2b62787c2aaab8848bcb0abf6400bac7.png) :warning:__WARNING:__ Re-Installing the App after something was changed will __change the tokens__. ## Copy The Bot Tokens The `Bot User OAuth Access Token` is the one necessary for the bridge: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_4235232e16d751189622a0ac709c1046.png) ## Invite Bot User To Channel Once the App is installed you can invite the bot user to the channel in which it's supposed to be active by using the `/invite @username` command: ![](https://notes.status.im/uploads/upload_682ec6b24604a1b868dbac9ceadd4e29.png) # Links This information was collected during research done in [status-im/infra-misc#46](https://github.com/status-im/infra-misc/issues/46).